Monday, January 11, 2010

Have you pledged your hour yet?

Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. - Matthew 26:40

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The need for prayer is greater than ever in these trying times. We urge all parishioners who have yet to sign up for the 1,000 Hours to pledge their respective one-hour slots.

Let us continue to pray, not only for our priests and religious, but for peace, goodwill and love to prevail over ill intent and violence; and also that justice be upheld in our country.

We welcome all to join us in this endeavour - this figure of 1,000 hours should not be too hard to reach. As our Parish priest Father Simon Yong has said, 1,000 is just about 25% of the overall congregation.

So, do sign up after any of the weekend masses. The noticeboard and sign-up sheets will be located near the temporary Coffee Morning tables while the front porch is being renovated.

Thank you for your participation and God Bless.