Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? Well, for that to happen, sometimes we need to
have a plan in the first place.
Therefore, those who have signed up for the 1000 Hours are advised to arrange for a backup in case they are unable to make it for the hour they have pledged.
Remember, this hour is YOUR personal pledge to be in the presence of the Lord; your undertaking to be present in faithfulness to Him.
It is therefore your responsibility to make arrangements with a friend or relative to take your place in the event that you cannot be present owing to last-minute, unforeseen circumstances.
We say this only because there have been instances where those who signed up were unable to be there and their respective hours passed with NO ONE at the allotted seat to be in Silent Adoration before the exposed Blessed Sacrament.
So upon signing up, you should immediately contact someone to be your "Plan B" ... just in case.