Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An appeal ...

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Father Simon reminded us this past weekend, signing up for an hour of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is your PLEDGE to spend time in devotion before the Real Presence of the Lord.

As such, we would like to appeal to all those who have made the pledge to:

* Please be punctual - do not arrive late for your allotted hour;

* Kindly spend the hour in total devotion, FOCUSED on prayer and your silent communion with the Lord. Put aside all connections to the material world for the hour - no mobile phones or other distractions please;

* Stay the FULL hour. Please do not leave before your allotted hour is up.

For those who have yet to sign up, but who use the facilities near the chapel, we humbly request that you refrain from talking loudly or running in the corridor, as sound really carries inside and it can be very distracting to those who are praying before the Blessed Sacrament.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation in these matters. May this 1,000 Hours pledge be fulfilling and spiritually rewarding to us not just as individuals but as a praying parish.

Yours in Christ,

The Spirituality Committee

Friday, December 18, 2009

A most useful booklet

A special booklet of prayers has been published as a supplementary resource for those who have pledged, or plan to pledge, an hour of Silent Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in conjunction with the Year For Priests.

A Private Book of Prayers for Priests is priced at RM3 to cover costs and is available from the Parish Office and also after all weekend masses.

The full-colour 32-page booklet is beautifully illustrated and includes such prayers as the Litany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim; a Daily Offering for Vocations; A Marian Prayer for Priests; and many more.

Several stamped copies have been placed in the Santa Maria della Strada Chapel for use by parishioners during their respective Hour of Silent Adoration; kindly note that these are not to be removed from the chapel.

God Bless and may you have a fulfilling Hour of Silent Adoration.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A word from our outgoing sub-committee chairman

The preparations for the 1,000 Hours of Prayer in conjunction with the Year For Priests were handled by the Golden Jubilee Committee's Spirituality Sub-Committee.

Brother Simon Anand (pictured here in the chapel during the first of the 1,000 hours), who headed up the sub-committee for the last few months, is leaving the parish to continue with the next stage of his journey towards priesthood.

Brother Eugene Koh will be taking over with effect from this month.

It is only appropriate that we include them both in our prayers for priests and the religious, not only during our respective pledged hours of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, but at all times when we pray for vocations and for the religious who serve the church tirelessly.

Bro. Simon had this to say:

As I am leaving for another phase of my journey towards priesthood, I thank all of you who have worked with me throughout this year 2009, particularly in organising events and prayers which prepare us to anticipate the 50th anniversary of the parish in the year 2011 with faithfulness to Christ.

I pray that you may continue to be receptive to the promptings of the Spirit and respond to it wholeheartedly.

God Bless SFX!

Simon Anand

Amen, and God Bless You Too, Brother.

Praying the chaplet of Divine Mercy

From personal experience, the Divine Mercy Chaplet has been a great source of both spiritual calm and intercession.

A particularly difficult situation at work was largely resolved to the greater benefit of my colleagues and I can only attribute this last-minute reprieve we gained, to praying the chaplet fervently.

Here is a good explanation and description of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

The chaplet may be prayed at any time but the Lord Jesus Christ has also specifically asked for it to be recited as a novena. The second day of the novena in particular is especially for priests and the religious.

Here is an excerpt from the intention for the second day: "Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service, that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven."

One possibility is for you to begin the novena the day before your pledged hour, so that you may pray the second day's intention during your hour before the Blessed Sacrament.