Sunday, November 22, 2009

Year for Priests - SFX's 1,000-hour pledge starts today

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Today, the Solemnity of Christ the King, also marks the start of the Church of St Francis Xavier's 1,000 Hours of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.

From now until early May, specific hours have been allotted for individual parishioners to pledge their time before the Blessed Sacrament in the new chapel to pray for priests and religious.

Schedules will be put up outside the church after all weekend masses so that parishioners may sign up. Each hour is to be pledged by ONE individual only, but anyone is welcome to be present.

The hours are:

Monday to Friday:

7am-8am, 8am-9am, 9am-10am, 10am-11am, 11am-noon, noon-1pm; 8pm-9pm, 9pm-10pm


7am-8am, 8am-9am, 9am-10am, 10am-11am, 11am-noon, noon-1pm



Please check back here from time to time for more updates, information and prayer resources.

God bless,

The Spirituality Sub-Committee

Golden Jubilee Committee